Data Reduction

Installing H5Analysis and Jupyter Notebook

 Install Acanaconda for Windows/Mac from here:

Open a Anaconda Powershell Prompt and install h5analysis with the following command:

pip install h5analysis

For new versions, add the upgrade flag

pip install h5analysis --upgrade

In order to render movies from 3-D plots

conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg

Detailed documentation for base classes and API.

Copy, paste and execute notebook cell to load REIXS definitions.

from h5analysis.beamlines.REIXS import *

Logbook and Metadata

LogLoader()      -> Loads REIXS Experiment Logbook
BeamlineLoader() -> Loads REIXS Metadata

General Data Plotting

SimpleLoader() -> Loads REIXS Data vs Point Number 
PlotLoader()   -> Loads REIXS 1D or 1D Reduced Data
ImageLoader()  -> Loads REIXS 2D or 2D Reduced Data
MeshLoader()   -> Loads REIXS Mesh Data
StackLoader()  -> Loads REIXS 3D Image Stack

Basic Spectroscopy Plotting

XESLoader()  -> Loads XES Spectra with Simple ROIs
XASLoader()  -> Loads XAS Spectra with Simple ROIs
XEOLLoader() -> Loads XEOL Spectra with Simple ROIs
XESMapper()  -> Loads XES/XAS Map
XEOLMapper() -> Loads XEOL/XAS Map

Complex Spectroscopy Plotting

PFYLoader()   -> Loads XAS Spectra with Complex ROIs
ELOSSLoader() -> Loads XES Spectra on Energy Loss Scale
ELOSSMapper() -> Loads XES/XAS Map with Energy Loss Scale

Data Stream Aliases

RSXS Detectors/Logbook -> Detector Aliases/Logbook Configuration for RSXS Endstation
RIXS Detectors/Logbook -> Detector Aliases/Logbook Configuration for RIXS Endstation

Beamline Data Structure

REIXS Beamline  -> Common REIXS HDF5 File Structure
RSXS Endstation -> Specific RSXS ES HDF5 File Structure
RIXS Endstation -> Specific RIXS ES HDF5 File Structure